Alpena, Alcona, Oscoda,
Montmorency, and Presque Isle Counties.
Critical Home Repair Program
This program can help existing low-income homeowners who physically or financially can’t afford vital maintenance of their homes. This is a great opportunity to be a part of a program that benefits our entire community. Volunteer teams are matched with homeowners based on the size of the project. A Brush with Kindness helps revitalize the appearance of the neighborhood, strengthens connections within the community and helps preserve affordable housing stock.
The application for our Critical Home Repair program can be downloaded here.
Home must be owner-occupied – NO RENTALS
Mortgage and taxes must be up to date
Must be willing to agree to incur a loan and/or property lien (if applicable).
Detailed “Scope of Work” will be signed prior to start date
Family must make long term commitment to occupy the home
Must submit all documentation requested by HFHNEMI
All able-bodied residents (18+) may need to contribute sweat equity based on project size
Homeowner must be onsite at all times while HFHNEMI is present
Owner must be realistic about scope of project and agree that some of the work may be completed by volunteers
All pets must be contained while staff/volunteers are onsite
No smoking, drinking, or drug consumption will be tolerated while staff/volunteers are onsite
No one will be in possession of a firearm while staff/volunteers are onsite
Funding Sources May Include:
DTE/Consumers Energy
The Home Depot
Thrivent Builds
Besser Foundation
Carpenters Club
Community Foundation of Northeast Michigan
United Way of Northeast Michigan
Neighborhood Revitalization Priority Home Repair Program
Home Plus Aging in Place - Alpena County Older Persons Critical Home Repair